Internet Companies Fund OpenSSL

Many studies of the quality of source code shows that Open Source is better quality than closed source. It is however no gaurantee of quality. While Open Source has allowed companies to leverage a community and common resources it has also meant that many projects have been taken for granted. An example is OpenSSL, which recently was found to have a vulnerability which has been dubbed HeartBleed.

So you're an open sourcerer who wants to move to NZ? Good idea.

So, you're an open source developer or tech expert and you want to move to New Zealand... what do you need to know? Here're some informal tips from someone who's been there and done that (but is not an immigration lawyer!): I moved to NZ in 1994 from the US and later started a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development and services company, which I ran for 14 years. Although there's certainly plenty of interesting FOSS stuff going on that I don't know about, I think I have a pretty good understanding of how things work here now.

Life after Win XP: another approach - Part 3

In part 2 of this series I provided several options for organisations wanting to update their current Windows XP environment to a free and open source (FOSS) environment rather than a more recent Microsoft platform when Microsoft officially abandons its venerable Windows XP in April 2014.

On to the next challenge: once you've decided your organisation can be productive with a FOSS environment, you have to work out how to set up and maintain it.

2013 AGM - Monday 19 August 17:30

The 2013 NZOSS Annual General Meeting will be on Monday 19 August starting at 17:30.

We will "meet" online via IRC (Internet Relay Chat - there are free IRC clients for every platform) in the #nzoss room on - we will be discussing the agenda further on our OpenChat mailing list.

Anyone may take part in the AGM, but only financial members can vote for officers, councillors, or on any other issues.

You are invited to nominate yourself or someone else for one of these elected roles: