Dave Lane Voted President

The NZOSS AGM has voted Dave Lane President. Dave has been a member since the formation of the NZOSS in 2003. His company Egressive has hosted the NZOSS web site throughout the recent geological disruptions in Christchurch with no downtime. He has served on Council since the formation of the society. The NZOSS itself was formed in the wake of a open letter to Government about Open Source that was published by Dave in 2002. The Open Letter collected over 400 signatures. From a personal point of view I congratulate Dave on stepping into this challenging role.

Android Under Fire

The New Zealand Herald is reporting that Google senior vice president and chief legal officer David Drummond is accusing Microsoft, Apple and Oracle of using patents in an attempt to kill the innovative and popular Android phone operating system. Android is an open source phone operating system based on Linux. It has taken the market by storm, and is now the most popular operating system for smartphones in the world. Ironically Oracle has made use of Linux in it's "unbreakable Linux" campaign.

IP Lawyers and their blogs

The IP law community continues to peddle half truths about the New Zealand Patent Bill and the status of computer software. I notice that they never allow comments on their blogs which means that their misleading contentions are never challenged by people that actually understand software engineering. Readers will probably find lots of instances of this but compare the NZ Computer Society's newsletter on the latest information from MED with that of Baldwins IP. Keep in mind that the NZCS is our professional body...Baldwins is not.

NZOSS AGM on Thursday, 4 August

The NZOSS 2011 AGM has been held. Thanks to all who took the time to participate.


The NZOSS will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 7pm this coming Thursday, 4 August. Groups connected by video and/or teleconference will be meeting at venues Auckland (at ICONZ), Wellington (at Catalyst IT) and Christchurch (at Egressive) - with meeting business to take place on Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

No Opposition to Software Patent Exclusion from NZ Software Companies

The Ministry of Economic Development has published the submissions in relation to the draft guidelines on for the Examination of Patent Applications Involving Computer Programs discussion document. The call for submissions was clear that this was not an opportunity to revisit the decision to exclude software patents, saying “"In releasing the draft guidelines for comment, it is not intended to re-open the debate regarding the patentability of computer programs, or whether an amendment should be made to clause 15(3A).

School of Law Slams Patents

James Bessen of the Boston University School of Law has published a paper demonstrating that software patents are not beneficial to the software industry. He finds that a overwhelming majority of software firms do not employ patents, that an overwhelming majority of patents are obtained by a few large corporations, and that both the number of patents and the risk of patent litigation are increasing dramatically.