Red Hat Opens in NZ

Red Hat has opened up shop in New Zealand saying it has done so to "further promote open source including Red Hat's Linux, middleware and cloud computing offerings." Heading up the new push into New Zealand will be Country Manager Craig Nielsen. He will be leading efforts to establish stronger links with customers, the open source community and government organisations. He will also be aiming to foster the development of innovative ideas and technologies that can be showcased to the rest of the world.

Google Bid for Patent Portfolio

Google have made a bid for a patent portfolio owned by Nortel. From the official Google Blog they make clear their continued opposition to software patents, saying that "The patent system should reward those who create the most useful innovations for society, not those who stake bogus claims or file dubious lawsuits.". Google and it's partners have been the target of numerous patent lawsuits over the last year, primarily related to Android.

NZOSS gives qualified support to draft patent guideline

The NZOSS today announced its qualified support for the draft IPONZ guideline on the patentability of inventions containing embedded computer programs.

“There is a fog of misinformation around software patents and the IPONZ guideline,” says Don Christie, NZOSS Government Liaison Officer.

In July 2010, Commerce Minister Simon Power asked IPONZ to “develop guidelines for inventions containing embedded software.”

Notification of Scheduled Listserv Outage - 20 January 2011

Due to a change in hosting arrangements, the server that hosts will be taken down at 5pm Thursday 20 January 2011 and physically transferred to a new hosting ISP.  This involves an IP address change, and will also disrupt one of the three DNS servers that serves The others will keep remaining infrastructure running and there should be little or no visible impact outside of the loss of the mailing lists for a brief period.

It's expected to have the server up and running and all consequential DNS changes, etc, completed by no later than 9pm. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this short-notice outage.

SilverStripe CMS becomes Microsoft Certified

SilverStripe, the web based Open Source CMS has been given Microsoft Certification. Sigurd Magnusson of SilverStripe says "Microsoft's Certified for Windows programme is well known for indicating software and hardware products that have been thoroughly tested and which work well on Microsoft Windows. Of course, much of the innovation in the software world is now happening on the web, and with awareness and adoption of open source software growing fantastically, it makes sense for Microsoft to begin certifying open source web-based software."

New Zealand Open Source Awards held in Wellington

On Tuesday the annual New Zealand Open Source Awards were held. IRD won the award for Open Source in Government for their work with Moodle. Moodle has momentum and is in early deployment stages at several other agencies. Ponoko Ltd was the winner of the Open Source in Business category, which has used Open Source technology to enable their custom production business. The Winner of the Open Source Project was SilverStripe for it's content management system that is being used world wide. For more see