2020-2021 Council and Executive

Tēnā koutou! Apologies for the delay in reporting back. As our financial members have no doubt realised, the AGM week has passed without the need for a vote, as there were no contested roles - all the current councillors agreed to stand again and have been elected unopposed...

  1. Jo Allum (Tauranga)
  2. Eliot Blennerhassett (Christchurch)
  3. Carl Klitscher (Wellington) - Treasurer
  4. Steven Ellis (Auckland)
  5. Danny Adair (Wellington)

and with the executive there's a bit of a change: Tim McNamara, our long time Deputy Chair has put his hand up to step up to the Chair, and I have stepped down, to take up the role of Deputy Chair.

  1. Dave Lane (Christchurch) - Deputy Chair
  2. Tim McNamara (Wellington) - Chair

I'm excited to see Tim take up the reins! After 9 years in the role, I think it's high time for new leadership! We've got a few interesting initiatives bubbling away in the background and I'm looking forward to seeing what Tim and the rest of the Council come up with in the coming year. I'll leave it to Tim to post his ideas once he's had a chance to gather his thoughts.

Noho ora mai,
