


I'm a fervent believer in the potential of 'communities of opportunity' – where future-focused people walk together, contribute their skills, expertise & support each other to flourish. I am a passionate learner particularly around cultures, collaboration, communities, content & the complex solutions to complex problems at the intersection of economics, education, technology, media & impact. I work with people with whom their values & mine (anchored in the commons and open-source ways) align. 

Alongside other roles, my main mahi is developing a community-led impact enterprise, VentureCentreNZ with cofounders, an assembly of experts, a council of advisors and the community of Tauranga and beyond doing the mahi to build an OS network of support for impact entrepreneurs. 
Our social purpose is to increase equality-of-opportunity by increasing entrepreneurship & digital competencies through community ecosystems. 
We facilitate capacity, capability & confidence building learn-by-doing events & initiatives to increase the quality & quantity of successful, sustainable and truly good businesses. We defuse current enterprise building methodologies & connect, empower & equip people to use their unique strengths, knowledge, experience using OS tech as the infrastructure to do so and make tomorrow better than today. 

We are also working with regional communities to launch their own 'VentureCentreNZ-like' nodes in what is becoming an interconnected, regional OS social-learning-network.

Every day is full of exciting, fulfilling work I'm privileged to undertake with incredible people executing on a collective vision to leave all our whanau & whenua better than we found them for the generations to come.

Member for

10 years 3 months