Insidious by design...
Matt Stoller, Director of Research at the American Economic Liberties Project and author of 'Goliath: The Hundred Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy' (available on Amazon, of course, but I suggest you buy it from your local bookseller instead) runs a blog called BIG... and his latest entry concerns the purchase of Slack by Salesforce which he sees as a defensive move by two multinationals to stave off the total monopolisation of the market by a third multinational called, you guessed it, Microsoft.
Matt makes some very good points in his article and highlights that Microsoft is still operating its world famous 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish' policy previously touted by the sweaty and belligerent Steve Ballmer but now fronted by the apparently affable Satya Nadella. Don't be fooled by Satya and other high flying CEOs pleasant demeanours though, as we already know, even though all these corporates have very good Ethics and Integrity statements they only apply within the company... anything else is fair game, including you.
Anyway, have a read of the article and bathe in the irony of Matt discussing the Simon & Schuster-Penguin merger while noting who his book is published by... Oh the tangled webs...