Nominations for NZOSS Executive and Council

These are voluntary (unpaid) positions but very valuable to the NZOSS!  For your reference, the NZOSS Constitution...

The roles for which nominations are being accepted include:


The President and Vice-President of the Society - can expect to put in quite a few hours involved in governance (meetings, communications, liaison, etc.), as well as acting as the public interface to the Society: speaking on behalf of the Society to journalists, presenting at conferences, meeting with affiliated organisations and government, writing position papers for the media, or government. The Executive is also expected to lead Council meetings, preside at the AGM, engage and inspire members, and generally lead the Society's activities. The Executive is responsible for ensuring that Society has sufficient resources and that its membership works towards its stated mission.


There are 5 openings for Councillors in addition to the Executive (7 total). The Council role, at minimum, requires each Councillor to be available for a monthly Council meeting, usually held online via video conference and chat. These meetings run between 30-60 min and are held at a mutually agreeable time to the Councillors. Currently it is noon, the second Wednesday of each month. These meetings are where most Society business is undertaken and decisions are made which require a quorum of councillors. Councillors are also expected to

  • participate in discussions and decisions between meetings,
  • participate in the Council mailing list which has a few messages per week,
  • represent the Society at relevant events and meetings,
  • contribute towards the governance of the Society, particularly using any specialised skills they can offer,
  • participate in the annual AGM,
  • take part in a physical (synchronous) Council meeting, resources allowing, and
  • proactively take on tasks which forward the Society's mission.

Appointed Positions

Either from among the Council or from the NZOSS community at large, the Executive and Council appoint a Secretary and Treasurer. These roles require that the member is willing and able to fulfil the roles.

The Secretary has a number of responsibilities, chief of which are to maintain a record of formal meetings,  manage membership, announce the dates and times of important events, keep track of the Society's correspondence (e.g. email enquiries), and ensure the executive is aware of any developments which might be relevant to the Society's obligations as a registered charity.

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the Society's finances, including managing accounts receivable and payable, reporting on the Society's financial position, liaising with the bank, and ensuring the executive is aware of anything which might be relevant to the Society's obligations as a registered charity.

In both cases, the appointee also agrees to assist any subsequent appointee to the position in becoming familiar with existing systems.


You must be a financial member of the Society to vote, nominate, or run for council.   

Please contact us with the Name - First Last and then where you/they are located (Nearest Centre) and if you/they are currently in that role ("incumbent").

We encourage all Nominees to update their personal profiles on the NZOSS website with the their statements. We will create a pre-election list of Nominees with their statements for voters to consider.

Your Current Membership Status

You can determine your current status by going to our Membership site and logging in to check your status. If you do not have a login (note, you may need to request a password if you've forgot yours), you're unlikely to be a current member. You can always contact us if you want to confirm your status. You can determine your status for yourself after logging in by going to the Invoices pageand determining if the last Invoice Date is within a year of the final day of the AGM or SGM. If so, you're a paid up member for the purposes of voting. If not, you will need to renew your membership.