Infrastructure outage (2024-06-18)

Update (23:00): our Mastodon is back, on a new server, so more tech debt paid... It's missing some user avatars (those will be infilled over time, I think). Thanks for your patience!

Update (17:40): our VaultWarden is back, but on a brand new server (which is some technical debt paid off)! Our Mastodon, however, due to the huge volumes of data being wrangled, is still being migrated to a new server... We appreciate you patience!

Hello all - if any of you are users of our Mastodon instance,, you'll notice that it's not currently responding. Similarly our Vaultwarden instance. We experienced a filesystem error earlier today and are in the process of recovering it. The silver lining of this problem is that we will be shifting both services to new hosting infrastructure within  CatalystCloud (thanks again to them for their sponsorship of our Libre services!). Apologies for the inconvenience!