Participate in the NZ Open Source, Standards, Data Community

Participating in the NZOSS community costs nothing - we exist as a result of the constructive application of our talented and generous community members. You can get involved though our mailing lists, meet-ups, code forge, and real-time chat.

Mailing Lists

The NZOSS maintains a number of community mailing lists - you can sign up for the ones that interest you right now! These lists are generously sponsored by (NZ-based) mailing list company OnlineGroups.Net using their open source GroupServer system, designed and built by NZers!

Meet Ups

We are keen to have regular regional meetups through (not open source technology, but we're keeping our eyes out for a suitable replacement open source platform). Currently there's an active monthly Christchurch MeetUp, and we're keen to encourage more elsewhere in the country! Let us know if you'd like to start one in your area.

Code Forge

Code forges are where open source designers and developers can collaborate on writing software and other digital projects. We have an instance of Gitlab, an open source alternative for GitHub, at which hosts a whole bunch of free and open source projects (both code and other forms of digital collaboration). Have a browse!


Our Rocket.Chat instance at is the descendant of old-school IRC (we still have an IRC Channel on, #nzoss, if you're interested). It's sort of like Slack, but open source (and, according to many, better), and allows you to have realtime chats with people about open stuff. The more of you who're there, the more fun and useful it'll be for all!