NZ Open Source Awards (updated)

The second NZ Open Source Awards took place on Wednesday evening. Once again a great time was had by all and the mix of attendees was wonderful.

David Cunliffe stayed all evening and made another rousing speech recognising the value and opportunities presented by FOSS (not yet online). As I said, lots of good people in the audience but it is worth pointing out to the FOSS audience some of the notables. As well as the Minister for ICT (and Health) the Government CIO, Laurence Millar was there. He spoke briefly about the need for more Open Data.

Also in attendance, Frank Wilde, ex-Mayor of Wellington, CityLink supporter and currently chair of the Digital Development Forum. There were quite a few representatives from other Government departments, including the Prime Minister's office itself.

Congratulations to all the finalists and winners. As the convener of the judging panel I can attest to the difficulty presented in picking finalists and winners. However, it is also a pleasure to be exposed to such a wide variety of great work being carried out by New Zealanders in the FOSS space.

As I said on Wednesday, you are the people who have given the rest of us Freedom, and we are grateful for that.

And finally, big thanks to Chris and Evonne whose hard toil has brought this about, two years running.

UPDATE - Some photos from Brenda Wallace, who will also be on Kim Hill's National Radio show tomorrow (Saturday 27th September).