DIA and MED Announce "Infrastructure as a Service" RFI

From GETS comes "Advance Notice of Intention to Release Request for Information - Advance Notice of Intention to Release Request for Information" issued by the DIA (GETS Reference: 29927).

As we in the NZOSS know, infrastructure is very important when it comes to IT and in particular how it can impact on the choice of applications and technologies that organisations use. This is a topic that NZOSS members and businesses may be interested in following, and hopefully also in contributing to the DIA's processes and workshops.

Note, the original document was in .doc format. I saved it as a PDF for easier access. This was an easy step that I encourage Government agencies to follow. I also notice, from the document properties, that DIA are still using SSC templates. Good to see collaboration and re-use occurring already across Government but a lot of the contact metadata is SSC specific and should be changed.