Oracle fan of Linux

Oracle has been on the side of Linux for some time now, and was one of the few companies to advertise Linux. The Unbreakable Linux campaign may not have been totally accurate, in that Linux is no security silver bullet, but it did spread the word that Linux was now supported by large mainstream vendors. In this weeks ComputerWorld we see comment on Oracles involvement with Open Source.

Microsoft announce partnership with Creative Commons

Microsoft have recently announced a new partnership with Creative Commons, the organization dedicated to providing content producers a legal alternative to "all rights reserved" copyright law, to offer a new tool for easy insertion of Creative Commons licenses into works created with Microsoft Office.

Read more from Rob Mensching, Microsoft's open-source WIX toolkit guy.

Nandor: Open Source not so radical

Nandor Tanczos has long been a supporter of Open Source, and has made efforts to introduce Open Source applications to Parliament. Today the New Zealand Herald published a opinion article from Nandor on Open Source. Nandor says "To me, open source has been a perfect illustration of the Green Party belief that an open, co-operative decision path makes the most ethical, economic and environmental sense."

Denmark Opts for Open Standards By 2008

In a major advance for interoperability and open standards, on 2 June 2006 the Danish Parliament adopted unanimously a decision that imposes on the government a duty to ensure before 1 January 2008 that the public sectors use of IT is based on open standards and that all digital information and data that the authorities exchange with citizens, companies and institutions, are available in formats that are based on open standards. The roadmap for implementing the decision is expected to be considered later this summer.