Christchurch FOSS MeetUp 2
2 March 2016, Catalyst Chch, above Pomeroy's Pub
This week's presentation by Dave Lane on Open Standards: what they are and why NZ might want them.
FOSS Hackathon Options
- tour of the NZOSS server and its current services (Ubuntu 12.04, nginx, php5-fpm, ruby on Rails, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, node.js, meteor, Docker, and other technologies)
- generating Let's Encrypt SSL certs using Ubuntu 14.04 and nginx
- discuss and refine NZOSS Code-of-Conduct see
- branding NZOSS Rocket.Chat instance at (see for more on this FOSS alternative to Slack for consolidating multiple communications channels, both synchronous (e.g. instant messaging, IRC) and asynchronous (e.g. email))
- updating rocketchat Docker containers, and setting them up to start on system restart
- setting up data backups for
- starting to document NZOSS infrastructure
- branding NZOSS Etherpad-lite at (see for more on this node.js-based collaborative realtime editing platform)
- setting up marketing documents for the NZOSS suitable for paper handouts.
Future Ideas
Hackathon tasks
- set up a cloud server (running Linux), and deploy a Docker container doing something useful, leaving all useful non-volatile info in underlying server filesystem for persistence/backupability
- set up two Docker containers that talk to one another
- What are Vagrant and Docker, and why are they different and for what are they useful?