The NZOSS Mailing Lists
NZOSS use Email Mailing Lists as a means for communication and networking between members and participants.
NZOSS OpenChat
The OpenChat Online Group is the primary discussion mailing list for the NZOSS, and is open to all interested parties - regardless of whether or not you are a financial member of the society. You can un/subscribe online.
We have a number of other online groups for various communities of interest - you can freely join them, too, depending on your interests.
Acceptable Use Policy
Participants in OpenChat are asked to adhere to the OpenChat Acceptable Use Policy.
List Public Archive
The archived discussions on the OpenChat mailing list are publically available. There are two historical archives - one for the ezmlm based list that was started in the first days of the NZOSS and runs through until November 2008; another for its mailman based replacement which was replaced by OnlineGroups.Net in 2015. These archives are currently offline as they are now antiquated technology, although they were indexed by external search engines including Google.
Technical Assistance
If you are having trouble subscribing to our mailing lists, look carefully at the error message supplied (usually as a return email). You can contact us for assistance.